Ian Coller

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French Revolutionary pamphlets finally all catalogued

In French Revolution, Online Resources on July 26, 2010 at 12:31 am

News from the National Library of Australia Blog

May 25, 2010 by Nikki White

At last, nearly 50 years since their acquisition, the Library’s collection of some 12,000 contemporary French Revolutionary pamphlets has now been fully catalogued. When they were first acquired in 1962 access was mainly through the lists supplied by the bookseller so public knowledge of this impressive collection was limited.

The first attempt at cataloguing them was in 1993/94 through the Australia’s Book Heritage Project funded by the Centre for Bibliographical and Textual Studies at Monash University. 4000 records were added to the national bibliographical database but they were basic descriptive records, lacking subject headings or much information. Lack of resources prevented further cataloguing until 1999 when full catalogue records were created. Again lack of resources called a halt to the project. It was resumed again sporadically around 2006 and in 2009 two members of the Retro Conversion Team were dedicated full time to going through the boxes methodically and also any other small bundles of Revolutionary pamphlets in the Rare Books collections. The project was finally completed in February 2010.

Some more Pamphlet resources

Louis H. Beck Center for Electronic Collections and Services, Woodruff Library, Emory University